A 27 years old,male patient electrician by occupation came to casuality with chief complaints of pain abdomen since 3 months. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS :- patient was apparently a symptomatic 3 months back then he developed mild diffuse abdominal pain associated with bilious vomiting which is ,projectile , containing food particles . Pain relieved temporarily on taking medications After a few days he again developed pain abdomen at the left hypochondrium region and the pain radiating to back , then he went to government hospital where he under went treatment but the symptoms didn't subsided So he went to a private hospital for which he took treatment but in the middle of treatment , he tested postive in the hospital , so he went to home isolation , were he approached a local rmp for the pain abdomen and covid . After 5 days he tested negative in mid of January so he went back to the same private hospitaland under went treatment and his symptoms r...